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Provision types

Provision types

Private Cloud:

A private cloud is an internal organisation-based cloud that makes your applications available to authorised users only. It ensures a high level of control and security, since it is operated exclusively for individual organisations such as companies or authorities. Access to the cloud services takes place either via a segregated intranet or a closed virtual private network (VPN). This means that a private cloud is an internal organisation-based cloud that makes your applications available to authorised users only. Access can be secured by means of firewalls, for example. The applications can be scaled completely in line with the individual requirements of the organisation in question and can be used really efficiently. Computing, memory, and network capacities are oriented towards the individual needs of the customer and are not subject to the restrictions of the public cloud.

Public cloud:

In a public cloud, abstract IT infrastructures are accessible via the public Internet. Services such as processing power, memory space, infrastructures, and applications are available. If a public cloud is used, the customer does not need to invest in hardware and software.

Hybrid cloud:

A hybrid cloud unites the advantages of a private cloud and a public cloud. It brings together the benefits of both worlds in a shared cloud concept that is extremely versatile. It allows the requirements of applications with critical data protection needs and of companies subject to legal regulation to be met at the same time as enabling the flexibility of publicly accessible cloud solutions. Business processes can be categorised into those with critical data protection needs and those without, and can then be assigned to the appropriate cloud structure.