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What is an Information Security Management System (ISMS)?

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) defines rules and methods to ensure information security in a company. An ISMS according to ISO Standard 27001 is process-oriented and is implemented according to the top-down approach. The implementation of the ISMS is thus the responsibility of the company management.

What is the goal of an ISMS?

The goal of an ISMS is to identify the risks caused by IT more clearly and thus make them easier to control. It defines guidelines, processes and rules with the help of which information security can then be checked, controlled, optimised and thus ultimately ensured.

The introduction of an ISMS is an extensive process that affects many areas of the company. It is mostly a big challenge for medium-sized companies, because necessary resources and competences are missing. Here, our specialists are at your side, from the beginning of the ISMS implementation to the maintenance of the certified status.

  • Introduction of an ISMS up to certification
  • Project Management / Coaching
  • active participation in the preparation
    • Support with the definition of the scope
    • Creation of documentation
    • Recording the Assets
    • Risk assessment
  • Implementation of internal audits
  • Selection of a certification company